Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ban The Gadgets

New York Senator Carl Kruger (D) wants to ban the use of any sort of portable information/entertainment device by pedestrians while crossing streets. I guess he compares it to seatbelt laws or helmet laws. But I wonder why it hasn't occurred to him to ban running over pedestrians while they are crossing the street? Maybe because that is already illegal? Or why not just ban crossing the street? That would really keep pedestrians safe! I know! Ban motor vehicles from entering intersections! Ah but then the jaywalkers might get hit by one of the vehicles buzzing back and forth from corner to corner. Ok Ok! now I have it ban vehicles from intersections and ban pedestrians using gadgets from jaywalking and fine anybody caught crossing the street without looking both right and left and fine anybody short enough not to see over the surrounding masses and fine the surrounding masses for blocking the vision of short people and ban thinking while you walk and ban getting hit by vehicles and ban having a headache because it is distracting and ban being alive because it leads to death and ban dying because it is the major cause of death and ............ Oh! Ban it all Ban it all!

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