Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Dale Coparanis posted the following as a comment on my article Creationist Truth

Dan - what are we going to evolve into? Since evolution is always happening, what's the next step for humans?

When does that happen?

Do we risk upsetting the process of evolution by messing with DNA, cloning and other related scientific work?

If so, then should we stop all that work?

Dale, Evolution doses not happen in particularly large steps. For example we may evolve into being able to defeat all viruses naturally. Some people have been shown to be essentially unaffected by HIV for example, so if a virus were to evolve that killed anything that did not have this inborn defense mechanism then the species would eventually come to consist only of those that do. The next step is whatever is necessary to survive a changing environment. We either make it or die. The universe does not care which.
When will it happen? In one sense it almost certainly already has, but the 'next step' will become the norm when it needs to or not at all.
Do we risk upsetting the process of evolution by messing with DNA.cloning and other scientific work? Well in one sense the answer is "of course!" But in another sense "how could we?". We may kill ourselves off completely with an atomic holocaust, for example, but then again that may just be the assist the species needs to bring the trait of 'extreme radiation tolerance' into the 'norm'. We may also become the first(?) species to direct its own evolution consciously and go branching off deliberately and purposefully to occupy every environment possible and thus to exist for as long as there is a universe to house us.
Should we stop all that work? Get serious Dale! Are you going into the middle east without your cholera vaccine? Would you be pleased if some luddite decided that steel was 'unnatural' so when you took a bullet they had to cut it out with a flint blade?
Evolution is not some sort of weird and unusual thing. It has happened and continues to happen all the time and the rule is simple. Every species evolves as needed or it dies out. And as Baretta used to say, "That's all there is to that tune."

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